Thursday, April 26, 2012

Organizing art space...

Seriously overwhelmed by move...
I wish I had a magic wand today! My new art space is nice and big and full of chaos!
This is the guest bed...I am determined to sort all this out soon!
Having moved in the middle of new class, I've had to do homework in the midst of chaos!
Movers dropped off one week ago yesterday!
My space is still in progress 26 April 2012
Just when I was finally done with my art space...we move! Again!
This was my art space area in my flat back in Carlsbad California, it was a small area
in my living room:
This was my space six months after the move to Virginia:

And then finally I was able to organize mostly everything (I did hull out some craft supplies).

Now I've got tons of space but the place looks like a bomb went off!

Friday, April 20, 2012

RVA Street Art Festival 2012

I managed to sneak away from packing and all the headache associated with moving, last Sunday. Here in Richmond Virginia the Street Art Festival was a busy scene with graffiti/mural artist 'painting the town up'.
Studio 180 support the Arts for school aged children here in Richmond.
All art work was done on the walls of the old hydro power plant next to the James river.
Artist from all over the country turned out for this event.
Local artists too.
This was a free event and lasted four days.
Ed Trask was the person heading it up, this is his mural/artwork.
Milk still working on his mural while Ed Trask's wife looks on.
This family fun event brought people out in droves, despite the warm, humid temps of the high 80's low 90's.
The hope is to schedule another Street Art Festival in two years, to touch up murals and add more. I'm already looking forward to it! :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The moving part...

I am packing, shifting and moving bits everyday now for two weeks.
Aaaagh! I need a massage!
Hopefully after today the tiddly bits will be done.
Movers will arrive on Wednesday and in ONE day like magic all the big
heavy stuff will disappear and reappear in the new space.
Just four more day...

I can't wait to get back to creating & making things!
This moving stuff is no fun!

See you soon.

Cheers, hugs~

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