Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sunrise Over the Chesapeake

Here comes the sun 
 just beyond the Chesapeake!

I've been awake for hours
well before the sun decided to rise!

I walked out to the end of the small dock
to look at the crab cages and flag...

Slowly, the sun peaks out
from behind the cloudy horizon.

The nest to the right of the flag
is that of a family of Osprey.
A rather noisy bunch.
Presently they are out hunting for breakfast!

We will try and catch a few crabs today!

Well it's time I headed back to the house!
I'm in great need of a cuppa tea or coffee!

One last quick look before heading back...

Oh the garden is in full bloom too...

My feet are full of wet grass!

The sun is working hard to rise
and hopefully burn off
all the overcast clouds.

I'm back indoors now
with my cuppa
and enjoying the quiet
sounds of the water splashing
upon the dock and shore line.


Handmade and off-centered said...

That view! Oh your house is beautiful and the view you have is absolutely gorgeous. Is this Chesapeake Virginia? I dont blame you getting up this early in the morning and getting out by the water *dreamy*


Crafted by Bairbre Aine said...

Brigitta, The Chesapeake Bay runs through both Maryland & Virginia spanning about 200 miles long! Yes, morning sunrise was well worth the early wake-up!

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