What I thought would happen,
this summer holiday, hasn't.
What has happened, surprises me.
I'm happy in both cases.
My kids are both working.
My son has now started his senior year;
ONLINE! Yep, it's high school online.
I'm happy about not having to drive him,
especially since I no longer own a car.
He is happy to be away from "drama"
at the local high school.
My daughter is back home. After my car
accident, she came to aid me. After
hearing about the conditions, at her birth father's
place. Well, the whole story about step-mothers are
all true!!!
I didn't go "back" to school, like planned.
Instead, I've been learning online, and taking
a few homeopathic courses. Working toward completing my
spiritual/medical/healing practices. After 24 years,
its odd to realise....learning isn't "done" in a single
discipline with degree or certificate.
I am having a wonderful holiday!
So many books, so many projects...
I have now been to Oregon and Washington states.
JOY, JOY...now there are only; Alaska and Hawaii,
that I have never been to!
Then my wandering to every state in the USA,
will be complete.
Hmmmm, I wonderr what country I will
go and wander in next?